The student will conduct an integrative cybertaxonomic revision of a genus of arboreal aphid using biological data such as DNA sequences, morphology, and host plant association. The project is comprehensive, addressing the discovery, delimitation, diagnosis and description of species or subgenera, as well as the preparation of specimen determination tools. It involves fieldwork, molecular and microscopic lab work, computer analyses and digital data networking.
Although the project focuses on aphids, the goal is to train an entomologist capable of adapting their knowledge and skills to other taxa.

The candidate holds a university degree at the bachelor’s (for MSc) or master’s (for PhD) level, in biology or a related field. He or she has a strong interest in entomology and systematics and meets the eligibility requirements of the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Montreal. Note that the University of Montreal is a French-language institution and that although proficiency in French is not a requirement for the studentship, it will be an important consideration.
Remuneration: scholarship of $18,000 (MSc) or $20,000/year (PhD); may be supplemented by teaching assistantships and other sources of funding.
Duration: 2 years (MSc) or 4 years (PhD)
Location: Plant Biology Research Institute (IRBV), located on the grounds of the Montreal Botanical Garden
Start date: May or September 2025
Supervision: Colin Favret

Send to Colin Favret (colin.favret@umontreal.ca) (1) your curriculum vitæ, (2) a one-page cover letter, (3) your transcript(s), and (4) the names and contact information of two people who can serve as references. The position remains open until the best candidate is found.