Étienne Normandin is the manager of the Ouellet-Robert Entomological Collection. Along with ensuring the longevity, growth, and accessibility of the collection, he helps supervise and coordinate other lab personnel and participates in preparing and presenting entomology teaching materials. He is particularly keen on bees (Apoidea – Wikipedia). Étienne is author of a magnificent guide to the insects and other terrestrial arthropods of Quebec: a must have for entomologists of any linguistic persuasion!
Louise Cloutier was the collection manager for 25 years until her retirement in 2015. She’s an expert on the diversity and taxonomy of midges (Chironomidae – Wikipedia), an aquatic family and the most diverse family of true flies.

Peter Harper was honorary curator of aquatic insects until his death in April 2019. He was the curator of the collection from 1971 until his retirement from the university in 2004. His research specialty was on the taxonomy and diversity of aquatic insects, especially of stoneflies (Plecoptera – Wikipedia). He is missed by the entomological community of Quebec.